
We are a small church with a big heart. 

We are the church where everybody is somebody. 

We’re family.

We don’t dress fancy. We laugh a lot. Sometimes we cry. We aren’t afraid to express our feelings and opinions. We make it a point to pray for each other and help with needs. We’re a support group. 

We’d love you to connect with our family. Bring your pain and heartbreak to us. We’ll welcome you and offer no judgments. We’ll merely appreciate you and offer understanding. We use our talents and resources to bring help to the hurting.

Since we are a small group and we meet in a large space, we have lots of room to socially distance ourselves.

Our Mission:

We grow our relationship with the Lord and each other through worship, work, and fellowship.

Worship times are as follows:

Sunday Worship:  9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Bible Study:  10:45 a.m.
Fellowship:   Often
Communion: Quarterly

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